Terms of Use


By the service we mean the use of the social, web2.0 interface page available at www.markmyprofessor.hu, including all its functions (hereinafter: Service. By entering the Service, the user accepts the following conditions.
Markmyprofessor's services can be used by natural individuals over the age of 18 (hereinafter: User). Created for the display of non-natural individuals (for business, social purposes) registrations can be deleted from the service provider's system.
By accepting these terms, the User acknowledges that he/she will behave responsibly when using the Service and behave respectfully towards other Users and members. He/she accepts that he/she will not use the Service to harass, slander, defame other people, to violate the constitutional principle of human dignity and equality or otherwise violate the personal and other rights of other persons.
By entering and using the site, the user automatically accepts the terms of use required for using the site and complies with the Guide specified evaluation guidelines


Registration is required to use some of the website's Services (e.g. downloading and uploading study materials, forums). If the User wishes to register on the site, he must enter a valid e-mail address, a username, and a password. The User is responsible for keeping the password secret, and if he becomes aware of its unauthorized use, he is obliged to notify the Service Provider immediately. Damage caused by failure or delay in this notification obligation shall be borne by the User.

The service provider reserves the right to delete users who: misuse another person's name or e-mail address; their username infringes a trademark; contains an obscene, profane expression; refers to racist, insulting behavior that insults the religion, national, ethnic, sexual or political affiliation and worldview of others; contain covert or open advertising or carry out an act that violates any other law or contain an invitation, offer or undertaking to commit it.

By registering, the User specifically consents to the Service Provider sending news and promotional content related to the site. In this regard, the User is not entitled to make any claims or demands against the Service Provider.

The Service Provider is obliged to treat the User's password and personal data provided during registration as confidential, and may not disclose them to an unauthorized third party. LXV of 1995 on the protection of state and service secrets for exemption from the obligation of confidentiality. the guidelines are enshrined in law.

By accepting this statement, the User expressly consents to the Service Provider handling the provided personal data in a purpose-bound manner and in compliance with the restrictions imposed by the relevant legal conditions. If the User cancels the registration required to use the Service, the Service Provider will delete the User's personal data.


Content means all data (for example, but not limited to text, images) published by Users on www.markmyprofessor.hu - hereinafter: Content -. The User bears full responsibility for the Content that he places within the framework of the site - for example, but not limited to evaluations, personal messages, conversations, personal data, links, images - the Service Provider assumes no responsibility for the content published by Users.
The Service Provider will remove without notice the Content that the Service Provider finds to be unilaterally illegal, contrary to the privacy rights of others, dishonest, threatening, defamatory, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable. Comments that are physically threatening will be deleted by the Service Provider. It also notifies the owner of the IP address exactly when the evaluation was made. This is enough information to clearly identify the author of the comment! In addition, the IP address may only be issued in the event of an official (court) proceeding or an official request.
In all cases, the content originates from the Users, so the Service Provider assumes no responsibility. Users may not post Content that violates applicable law or offends others in any way.
The Service Provider entrusts the filtering of the Content to the Users in the same way as the uploading of the Content. Content can be filtered by any User by clicking the report button. If you do not find such a button next to any content, you must notify the Service Provider immediately.
While using the Service, the Service Provider automatically receives information about the user, e.g. cookie, IP address. The Service Provider may use this information for statistical purposes at will. While using the site, the service provider may set a cookie on the user's computer, the purpose of which is to distinguish Users.
The Service Provider is bound by data and confidentiality obligations in accordance with legal regulations. These obligations are imposed on the members, employees and agents of the Service Provider.
The Service Provider excludes its responsibility for compensation in all cases in which the User suffers damage due to the use of the Service - for example, but not exclusively, downloading virus files.


The Markmyprofessor site is copyrighted in its entirety. Copying, duplicating, reworking or reworking the page or a part of it for any purpose, or putting it into commercial circulation is prohibited. Unauthorized use is punishable - and has civil consequences.

When using the site, the Content uploaded by Users and the statistics created from it are the property of the Service Provider. It is forbidden to forward them or to publish them in any way, without the exact identification of the source - the exact identification of the source also means the designation of the Service Provider.

Data processing for advertising purposes:

By registering, the user expressly consents to the service provider sending him electronic advertising and using his data for this purpose. Consent to the sending of advertisements can be revoked by canceling the registration.

Apply for anonymous jobs:

The user acknowledges that if he applies for an anonymous job advertisement in which the advertiser does not wish to display his company name and other data, he/she accepts the following:

  • Your application and CV can be seen by other people, even your current employer;

  • you cannot track your personal data, as you cannot know who received your application;

  • cannot enforce the rights provided for in the Data Protection Act, so e.g. you may not request information about the management of your data, you may not object to it, you may not request its modification or deletion.

Modification of terms of use:

The service provider reserves the right to unilaterally change the terms of use described here. The Service Provider will publish any changes on the website.

Ignorance of the contents of this legal declaration does not entitle any user to comply with the contents of the declaration!